The Test Print Day Sulks

It happens every time. And every time it feels real and legitimate.

I print my designs.
And I don't like them.
And I sulk.

My sister has repeatedly experienced this, from bowls to hydrangeas to bunting. She's always so encouraging and gets the satisfaction of saying "I told you so" when I fall back in love with my pattern three days later.

The thing is I'm still new to fabric designing, even though I had some incredible success with my first designs, and I just hate feeling like I've gone backwards. And test prints always feel like backwards.

I know that, for the most part, I dislike them because they're test prints, which means I'm testing colors and they're probably not right yet. But do I give myself a day of grace? Of course not.

I was politely reminded that it took five colorways of bowls before I hit one that I was pleased with. Five. And that wasn't even varying the background color. So far, I've only done two. I just need to take a breath.

It will all be fine. It is every time.