Printing Stripes on Quilts

I have a new screen! It's a 12" x 12" square of graphic lines, and I love it! I masked out the bottom so that it would line up perfectly with two seams in my mustard Lenten Twelves One. Although I think my printing ink should've been a bit thinner to get in the crevices better, I like the overall effect, and I am excited to try it on more quilts!

Graphic white stripes screen-printed onto a mustard quilt | by Kelsey Boes
graphic white stripes screen-printed onto a mustard quilt | by Kelsey Boes
Graphic white stripes screen-printed onto a mustard quilt | by Kelsey Boes

Right after printing Lenten Twelve One, I ironed this grey guy flat onto the printing board and printed him too! It is so fun to add movement with such a graphic statement atop a quilt. 

Lenten Twelve quilt sketch #3 with modern minimal black lines over-printed | Lovely and Enough
Lenten Twelve quilt sketch #3 with modern minimal black lines over-printed, still on the printing board | Lovely and Enough
modern evening star quilt still on the printing board, printed with modern black lines | Lovely and Enough

I didn't really mean for the second set of lines to perfectly align with the center of the quilt, but oh well! When you're sketching, sometimes your pencil lines don't quite go where you meant. When you're quilt sketching, I think the same is true.

Lenten Twelve quilt sketch #3 with modern minimal black lines over-printed | Lovely and Enough
Lenten Twelve quilt sketch #3 with modern minimal black lines over-printed | Lovely and Enough

Seeing my collection of Lenten Twelves grow this year has been fun. I feel like I am stretching my creative boundaries with these quilt sketches, and I am having a last in the process!

Lenten Twelve over-printed quilt sketches: #1, #2, and #3 | by Lovely and Enough

To read more about this Lenten Twelves series, follow the links below:

Introduction to Lenten Twelves

Lenten Twelves One Progress (beginning)

Lenten Twelves Two Progress (beginning)

Lenten Twelves One Finished