Up Up and Away

I know you all are dying to see pictures of the show, and I am editing them as we speak, but I wanted to get some pictures up at least, so here are the before pictures. (Big run-on sentence, I know.) Hanging the show was a complicated process with more steps and little details than I think I realized beforehand. Sticking on all the velcro (...which is now falling off, don't trust supposed "fabric fusion"...), gluing foam core into the frames, selecting the final line up, screen printing the artist statement. Whew, lots to do. Luckily, I had great people stopping in and helping all day long. My good friend, Margarita, who graduated last year was in town for a couple days and was a happy surprise in my gallery when I arrived to begin the process. She stuck by as a helping hand and comic relief till long after the sun set. And Brent, the studio associate. The show hanging wouldn't have happened without him. He helped me to twist, turn, and shuffle my quilts until I was happy and then dutifully patched holes in the wall when I miscalculated where to hang the next quilt. We hung the last frame and screwed in the last bulb way later than I expected, but it's done. Finally. After twelve crazy weeks of work. Two years of dreaming. Countless hours of phone conversations. The show is up.