Farmer's Wife Quilting Again

In spare moments between fabric designing and screen-printing, I managed to crank out two Farmer's Wife Quilt blocks. It's such a rewarding little piece of accomplishment midweek. Now there are just 83 to go! As I consider the future and graduate school, I'm starting to lament the idea of a PhD in chemistry. I just want to be a wife and quilt and have my own fabric printing business that supports itself. Maybe I need to find a farmer... In light of my current situation, I present you with reasons three, four, five, and six that E.S. from Milwaukee County, WI gave for why her daughter should marry a farmer.

"Three. Many rural families enjoy electric light, plumbing, automobiles, and all families may enjoy unobstructed sunlight, blossoming trees, stimulating breezes--perhaps also the daily newspaper.
Four. On the farm, my daughter and her family can have fresh air, fresh milk, eggs and butter without looking into the pocketbook.
Five. Daily exertion means bodily strength and varied responsibilities favor moral caliber.
Six. On the farm, you are quite independent of fads and fashions. Cotton stockings, sun-bonnets, bloomers and overalls are all right, and you feel happier."

Did you hear that? Fresh milk and eggs. Stimulating breezes. Blossoming trees. And you feel happier. Sounds like the life for me.

This Week's Blocks:
Honey's Choice


Honey's Choice

In retrospect, I may just want to be a wife because it means that my quilting business only has to break even and not provide enough profit to support me. Maybe I should work on my business plan instead. Curious where the reasons to be a farmer's wife came from? Check out the beginning of the farmer's wife quilt and the story behind it here.