Back in the Basket

I apologize that it has been so long since I have posted! The past two Sundays I was in China visiting my Dad with little time to sew and less time to blog. However, after hiking the majestic Great Wall and exploring the peaceful vistas of the Summer Palace, I am back and quilting. The first day back from break, I decided my living room needed a decorate update, so I took down my collection of black and white prints and mini-clothes-pinned up all of my Farmer's Wife Quilt blocks on the display wires. Although it is not quite as sleek and modern as black and white prints, it adds a fun sense of color and accomplishment to the room. Yesterday, I finished a block but with a twist. The flower basket block felt quite country and kitschy, so I edited it slightly. I forewent the handle. The block is now a geometric, asymmetric, modern little block that suits my sensibilities nicely.

This semester, I am also exploring the figure, specifically related to dance, and how it can be portrayed through mixed media, thread and fabric studies. Yesterday's attempt was an icebreaker that is not worth displaying on my blog, but hopefully in weeks to come, I will be able to share some of that senior show process with you.

This Week's Block:
Flower Basket

Flower Basket