Variations on Variations on a Bouquet of Tulips

Neck deep in grow-your-handmade-business books with numbers and notebooks and workbooks spread across the work table in front of me, I decided to adjourn for some sewing. With two quilts left to send out from the ones I sold at my show, I whipped up Buckwheat 2.0 also known as Variations on Variations on a Bouquet of Tulips. It's slated to be sent out to my dear friend Susie in PA tomorrow morning, and it is nearly identical to its brother Variations on a Bouquet of Tulips. Based off of the Farmer's Wife Quilt block Buckwheat, I modified my original color choices with some light grey Michael Miller solids on the top and bottom. I like it. And I spent the afternoon catching up on the last episodes of Elementary while quilting and binding it. Lovely.