Locked Star

It's still snowing here. I don't think it's stopped since the last post, actually, which means a couple of things. One, I've finished more sewing. I flipped through a book of 4000 quilt blocks on Friday and picked out about six that I'm going to tackle. And two, the library closed itself because of snow, which means two discs of Gossip Girl are sitting all lonely on a shelf waiting for me with nobody to watch them. Nevertheless, I pulled out an old classic, Leap Year, and cut to my heart's content while the gruff and charming Matthew Goode traveled with citygirl Amy Adams across Ireland. I also broke my "No-cutting-after-7pm-or-while-watching-a-movie" rule in order to finish it and managed to snip my squares for the next block wrong. Oh well, I have some cute impromptu bunting to show for it and a finished Locked Star block.

I also tried my hand at pressing my seams open after reading an article about it in the December issue of Love Patchwork & Quilting. It was a kind of fun change of pace, but I don't really see the point of endangering my fingers to the steaming nostrils of my iron. Plus, I love how seams pressed in opposite directions nestle into each other when you're sewing them together. So cozy and helpful. How do you press your seams: open or to the side?

Neat fact: This block was first published in 1973 by Alice Gammel. I just love the history of traditional quilt blocks.