
Today was my junior critique for my senior show. Basically, the professors want to make sure that we're figuring out a direction for our show and honing our skills. It's the only important thing in my life that I haven't been stressed about recently, and the lack of stress was definitely worth it. My two profs came in and jumped into informal discussion about my pieces and what quilting means to me. We basically laughed and talked about what I love for half an hour, talk about not intimidating.

Professor Samuelson had some poignant insight about my show and me and quilting. She said that I need to have three "things" for my show. One is quilting. Two is me. And three I still need to figure out. She explained that when she said "two is me," she meant that I bring my precision and planning and rigor to my quilting. I match the corners and align the angles to a perfection that demands the viewer to whip themselves into shape. No one has ever analyzed my quilting that way before, but I think it is very accurate. I guess I attack quilting just like I attack life. First of all, I attack it, and second, I whip it into shape. Good thing? Bad thing? Perhaps just very true...