Chevron Beginnings

New quilt time! With hours and hours ahead of me over Christmas Break, and seeing as I haven't actually completed a quilt in many years, I decided to whip up a baby quilt. After perusing my needle+thread board on Pinterest, I set my heart on a Chevron Quilt by Anna Joy. It's light and airy quality is very appealing, and the piecing seems simple enough. I sketched it in my sketchbook, drew up my own template, and set to work. The color scheme grew from fabrics that were nixed from my Farmer's Wife Quilt: coral and sweet greens. I happily ironed and rotary-cut in glasses and PJs until a friend showed up for a coffee date. Now after a game of scrabble and several mugs of chai tea, I am ready to quilt into the night!

{Check out the progress!}